





污染处理及环境监测water pollution control & environmental monitoring

海岸带海洋工程coastal and ocean engineering

地下水管理groundwater management

防洪抗旱flood and drought prevention & control

城市排涝system drainage design and operation in urban areas

造船设计shipbuilding design, construction, and maintenance of vessels for water transport.

9. 农田灌溉irrigation system design and management for agricultural purposes.

10. 港口建设港口engineering, including ship docking facilities.

11. 河流改道河channelization projects to improve navigation or prevent flooding.

12. 海堤护岸construction of seawalls, breakwaters, jetties, etc., to protect shorelines from erosion or damage by waves.

13.* 桥梁建造bridge building over rivers or other bodies of water as part of transportation infrastructure development projects.

14.* 基础设施维护infrastructure maintenance: ensuring that the built environment remains safe through regular inspections, repairs when necessary; preserving existing structures while keeping them up-to-date with modern technology solutions like smart sensors (sensors) which can monitor conditions at remote sites without requiring manual intervention – reducing costs while improving efficiency by detecting potential problems before they become major issues requiring costly repairs down the line!

15.* 环境规划environmental planning: designing sustainable land use patterns so that future generations may enjoy a healthy living space free from pollution threats posed by industrial activities carried out during this time period—through careful planning decisions made today about what types we will allow within our communities tomorrow!

16.* 风险评估risk assessment: identifying possible dangers related to any given project’s scope so as not only ensure safety but also minimize potential negative impacts on ecosystems surrounding these worksites throughout their lifespan (e.g., preventing fish kills due insufficiently treated wastewater released into nearby streams).

标签: 数码电器测评